Inside Mac Games Volume 3 #12
IMG 33 Dec 1995.iso
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Having problems with your new PCI Power Mac? Maybe this week's
crop of fixes and updates will help you out. Also, learn about
a new commercial HTML editor, get more details on nifty digital
cameras, plus read about the just-announced PowerPC Platform
specification and where on the Web to find the Internet white
paper Adam wrote for Apple. Finally, we round out the issue
with the first part of an interview with the well-known Mac
Internet developer Peter Lewis.
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Yet Another 7.5.2 Printing Update
Apple Confirms Problems with 7200/90 Ethernet
Web Weaver Goes Commercial
Digital Camera Details
InterviewBITS with Peter Lewis (Part 1)
A few months ago, I completed a white paper for Apple, called
"Apple and the Internet: The Macintosh Advantage." If you are
interested, you can now read the paper on the Web, where it
appears to be identical to the paper version other than including
my bio at the end. [ACE]
**PowerPC Platform Specification Announced** -- At COMDEX in Las
Vegas last week, Apple, IBM, and Motorola jointly announced the
"PowerPC Platform" specification, formerly referred to as the
Common Hardware Reference Platform (CHRP). A long time in
development, this specification directly challenges Intel-based
computing architectures, and is designed to spell out the details
of a unified computer architecture based on the PowerPC chip. In
theory, a machine designed to this specification can run any
operating system designed for the architecture. At the moment,
Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Novell, and Sun say they plan to support
the PowerPC Platform with future operating systems, and many chip
and component manufacturers have announced their intention to
develop and support the PowerPC Platform as well. It's expected
the first machines built to the PowerPC Platform spec will be
available in the middle of 1996, with Apple's first Macintoshes
supporting the platform sometime in 1997. [GD]
**Billions of Happy Astronomers** -- Famed astronomer and Cornell
University professor Carl Sagan has reached an amicable settlement
with Apple Computer in their argument over Apple's internal use of
Sagan's name as a codename for a new computer model. When Sagan
objected to the use of his name, the codename was changed to
"BHA," which reportedly stood for "Butt Head Astronomer." Sagan's
lawyers filed suit for defamation of character, but a judge threw
out the case and Sagan appealed. The new settlement appeases both
sides. [MHA]
**Now Utilities 5.0.2 for PCI Macs** -- Earlier this month, Now
Software finally released Now Utilities 5.0.2 for System 7.5.2 and
Apple's new set of PCI Macs. Though the updates have been
available on commercial online services since last week, they're
now available on Now's FTP site as well. The updates address
problems with Now Menus, Super Boomerang, Now Startup Manager, and
Now QuickFiler, and contain an updated version of Now Toolbox. The
updater only works on Now Utilities 5.0.1, but there's also an
updater available that will take version 5.0 of Now Utilities to
version 5.0.1. You must re-enter your serial number when you
update, so have that handy before installing. [GD]
**Energy Saver and 1710AV Monitors** -- An article in Apple's Tech
Info library confirms reports of problems using Energy Saver with
Apple's new 1710AV monitor. According to Apple, 1710AV monitors
with serial numbers between SG522xxxxxx and SG536xxxxxx
(inclusive) may randomly cycle while in Energy Saver mode, causing
the power LED to randomly flash along with popping and clicking
from the monitor itself. Units with serial numbers greater than
SG537xxxxxx are not affected. This repeated cycling is hard on
the monitor and may cause it to fail; Apple recommends disabling
System Sleep in the Energy Saver control panel until the monitor
can be serviced. If you have such a monitor, contact your Apple
dealer or call 800/SOS-APPL. Be warned: there are reports of Apple
refusing to exchange or accept returns of affected 1710AV monitors
even if they have been hammered (and possibly damaged) by this
problem. [GD]
**Apple Announces Three Language Kits** -- Apple has announced
Claris will be marketing Arabic, Cyrillic, and Hebrew Language
Kits for System 7.1 or higher. The kits should be available by the
end of November with an estimated price around $100, and each kit
includes a selection of fonts and keyboard layouts as well as the
language software itself. Apple claims the Cyrillic kit can be
used with almost any MacOS application, but the Arabic and Hebrew
kits require localized and/or WorldScript-savvy applications that
support right-to-left text entry. The kits require 4 MB of RAM and
a 68020 processor or better and come with Power Mac native
versions (which require at least 8 MB of RAM). [GD]
**Java Support Planned for CodeWarrior** -- Metrowerks has
announced plans to ship a suite of Java development tools for the
Macintosh. The Java tools will be developed in conjunction with
Sun Microsystems (creators of Java), and Metrowerks expects to
have an initial release by mid-1996. Though Java applets (in
theory) will run on any platform with Java support, being able to
develop Java applets on the Macintosh is a plus since so much
multimedia and Internet development currently takes place on the
Mac. [GD]
Yet Another 7.5.2 Printing Update
by Geoff Duncan <geoff@tidbits.com>
Last week Apple released a set of printing software updates under
the collective name 7.5.2 Printing Update 1.1. Don't confuse this
update with version 1.0.2 of the 7.5.2 Printing Fix (see TidBITS-
299_); this update supersedes Apple's earlier attempts to fix
printing problems on the Power Mac 7200, 7500, 8500, and 9500, and
includes additional materials that may help some other Mac users.
**What's Included** -- 7.5.2 Printing Update 1.1 includes the
following three components. There's no installer program supplied,
so each element you want to use must be installed by manually
dragging it to your System Folder.
* 7.5.2 Printer Fix 1.1. This is the latest version of the
extension Apple previously released to help with printing problems
on the Power Mac 7200, 7500, 8500, and 9500. In addition to
previous fixes for using busy network printers, version 1.1
corrects a similar problem using LocalTalk to print to a network
printer. Please note that this extension _requires_ Open Transport
1.0.7 or better, and the extension isn't of use on earlier Macs.
* SerialDMA 2.0.2. SerialDMA 2.0 was originally a rewrite of the
serial drivers that shipped with the first AV Macs (the Centris
660AV and Quadra 840AV) and were later carried over to Apple's
first line of Power Macs and their derivative models. Version
2.0.2 of SerialDMA patches some remaining bugs and adds support
for Apple's newer PCI Power Macs. In addition to offering greater
reliability, better performance, higher baud rates, and a number
of bug fixes, version 2.0.2 should offer significant performance
improvements on 68040-based AV Macintoshes, as well as fix
printing problems with StyleWriters on the Power Mac 7200, 7500,
8500, and 9500. Please note SerialDMA has a known problem with the
Serial Port Arbitrator extension that's included with AppleTalk
Remote Access (ARA) on Apple's PCI Power Macs. If you need to use
SerialDMA on one of those machines, remove Serial Port Arbitrator
from your system (apparently it doesn't show up in most extension
management utilities).
* LaserWriter 8.3.2. This update to the LaserWriter 8 driver
allegedly addresses two crashing problems that can occur on the
Power Mac 7200, 7500, 8500, and 9500, one involving printing large
documents to a network printer and the other involving printing to
a busy network printer. LaserWriter 8.3.2 is only of use on
Apple's PCI Power Macs and _requires_ Open Transport 1.0.7 or
better to function.
Open Transport 1.0.8 for the PCI Power Macs can be found on
Apple's FTP servers at the URL below.
**Do You Need All This?** The classic axiom "If it ain't broke,
don't fix it" applies: if you don't print to network printers or
have problems with serial communications programs that use a
modem, GeoPort, or other telecommunications device, don't rush out
to download and install these utilities. On the other hand, if
your work involves extensive printing or if you've experienced
problems like the ones described above, it might be worth your
trouble. Evidence so far indicates these fixes have solved
problems for a number of people, although there are still reports
of persistent troubles that may or may not be related.
Apple Confirms Problems with 7200/90 Ethernet
by Geoff Duncan <geoff@tidbits.com>
Mixed in with the flurry of issues surrounding Apple's new PCI
Power Macs - including difficulties with Open Transport and
numerous printing problems - there have been reports of slow
Ethernet performance and outright crashes on the Power Mac
7200/90. Apple last week confirmed the problem exists and
announced plans to fix the problem. _Only_ the Power Macintosh
7200/90 model is affected by this problem; neither the 7200/75
nor any other Macintosh model are impacted.
**What's the Problem?** The built-in Ethernet on the Power
Macintosh 7200/90 may fail to correctly send large packets over
an Ethernet network regardless of the network protocol being used.
This can cause connections to time out, give poor performance, or
in some cases lock up the machine.
The trouble stems from the design of the built-in Ethernet on the
7200/90, which is timed from a clock generator ASIC; other
Macintosh systems clock built-in Ethernet off a dedicated clock
chip. Apple has reworked the logic board of the 7200/90 to include
a dedicated clock chip, and all units currently in manufacturing
incorporate this change. This problem does not impact the
7200/90's printer or modem ports, and (obviously) does not cause
trouble if the built-in Ethernet on the machine isn't in use.
Apple has posted detailed information about the problem on
commercial online services and in its Tech Info Library. I had
trouble locating the article in the Tech Info Library, but Ric
Ford has made the text of Apple's release available on his
MacInTouch Web site.
**Which 7200/90s are Affected?** Power Macintosh 7200/90s with
serial numbers before xx543xxxxxxx may exhibit the problem. Serial
numbers greater than xx544xxxxxxx incorporate the reworked logic
board and don't have the problem.
However, just having a 7200/90 with a serial number in the right
range doesn't mean every network trouble is attributable to this
timing problem - plenty of other things can cause slow network
transfers and (yes) crashes. If you're having trouble, Apple
recommends troubleshooting your Ethernet connection to see if the
problem might be network-related. It's also probably a good idea
to install the latest version of Open Transport (currently 1.0.8)
and the 7.5.2 Printing Fix 1.1 (if you print) to see if those help
your performance. (See the previous article about the 7.5.2
Printing Fix for more information.)
**If You're Affected...** Apple has announced it will replace
motherboards on 7200/90 systems at _no_cost_ so long as the unit's
serial number is in the specified range; contact your Apple dealer
or call Apple at 800/SOS-APPL. Apple claims customer complaints on
this issue have been limited to a few calls from large
corporations. Though reports on online services and Usenet have
been more extensive, it's difficult to tell whether some of the
problems reported are due to this hardware issue or unrelated
network problems. The bottom line seems to be that if you own a
7200/90 in the serial number range and rely on its built-in
Ethernet, it's probably worth investigating Apple's logic board
Web Weaver Goes Commercial
by Tonya Engst <tonya@tidbits.com>
Web authors don't just have to keep up with new browsers and tags,
they must also contend with a sometimes bewildering array of HTML
tools. I'm not going to sort out that array today, but I will
point out that another tool has joined the commercial arena.
Best Enterprises just released World Wide Web Weaver for Macintosh
1.0. Unlike Adobe's new PageMill which offers a WYSIWYG approach
to creating Web pages, World Wide Web Weaver shows HTML documents
in text format, such that you can see the tags in the document as
you work.
World Wide Web Weaver should be a familiar to those who have used
its shareware predecessor, HTML Web Weaver, an early shareware
HTML authoring tool. HTML Web Weaver comes pre-registered with my
recent book, Create Your Own Home Page, and I consider it a
capable tool for someone getting started with HTML. HTML Web
Weaver is still available, and its author, Robert Best, recently
released version 2.5.3. The new version is much the same as 2.5.2,
but with improved documentation.
According to its press release, World Wide Web Weaver comes with
the level of support that you would expect from a commercial
product. Along with an improved interface and an improved
technique for displaying tags and tagged text, World Wide Web
Weaver also supports many more tags, including tags for colors,
backgrounds, and tables. The table support enables you to work
with an image of a table instead of directly with the tags
(although you can work with the tags if you wish), and it works
well for moderately complex tables. Unfortunately if you use
colspan or rowspan attributes, the table feature becomes unwieldy.
(Colspan and rowspan let you create table cells that span more
than one column or row.)
World Wide Web Weaver requires System 7 and comes with a suggested
RAM allocation of 1700K. I plan to review World Wide Web Weaver in
an upcoming TidBITS issue. In the meantime, you can check out a
demo at:
The demo is fully functional and works for one month. Best
Enterprises has chosen a multiple-option pricing scheme. World
Wide Web Weaver costs $50, or you can pay $75 for an annual
subscription. The subscription includes all releases (minor or
major) at no extra charge. Best Enterprises also offers
educational rates of $30 and $55, and offers site license prices.
Best Enterprises -- 315/265-0930 -- <best@northnet.org>
Digital Camera Details
by Adam C. Engst <ace@tidbits.com>
My articles regarding digital cameras (starting in TidBITS-297_)
have prompted scores of comments, including reports of newer and
cooler cameras. Each time I get a new report, I think, "Enough
about these digital cameras," and each time I read the note and
think "Wow, that's too cool!" So, here are more details about the
Ricoh DC-1 (or RDC-1, depending on who you believe) digital camera
along with a note from Japan about a new single-lens reflex
digital camera from NEC. I'm going to try to avoid writing more
about digital cameras for a while, and perhaps we'll see some
serious price drops in the near future, since I think price is the
main concern for most people.
**David Andrew** <djandrew@innovastudio.com> writes:
In TidBITS-301_, Peter Glaskowsky described a new digital camera
from Ricoh. Here are the details (according to the Sep-95 issue of
Multimedia Producer, p. 62). [There's also an article about it in
the Dec-95 issue of Popular Photography. -Adam]
The Ricoh DC-1 digital camera weighs nine ounces, can record up to
492 still images, 100 minutes of sound (8-bit, mono) or four
full-motion video scenes of five seconds each on a single 8 MB PC
Card [MacWEEK recently reported similar specs but mentioned 10-
second video clips and a 24 MB PC Card for an $1,800 price point
and a U.S. spring release. -Adam]. It sports a F2.8 CCD that
averages between 380,00 and 410,000 pixels. The screen resolution
is 640 x 480, and it records all images in JPEG format.
According to the article, Ricoh claims the camera can record and
play back footage at 60 frames/second in 24-bit color. It
generates an NTSC signal, so it can connect directly to a
television or video printer. There is also an optional 2.5" LCD
which swivels like the Sharp ViewCam.
The DC-1 takes Type 1 PC Cards and can transfer images to a PC
using an RS-232 cable. Other options include a built-in strobe
flash, 3X zoom and auto exposure.
The DC-1 is only available in Japan, but will soon be in the U.S.
for $1,600 to $2,300, depending on options. Of course, how soon is
anybody's guess. I'll take two.
**Masato Ogawa** <ogawa@ga.sony.co.jp>, a longtime TidBITS reader
from Japan, notes that with the necessary options, the Ricoh DC-1
would cost about $2,400 in U.S. dollars, although he was impressed
by the picture quality. Masato also passed on some information
about an NEC digital camera demoed at the Telecom '95 conference
in Geneva, Switzerland. It's a single-lens reflex camera, so you
can change lenses, and it stores the data on a PC Card in
JPEG/TIFF format so you don't need to convert the pictures after
downloading. The price is most alluring, at about $1,000.
InterviewBITS with Peter Lewis (Part 1)
by Adam C. Engst <ace@tidbits.com>
Peter Lewis <peter@mail.peter.com.au> is one of the best-known
Macintosh Internet programmers, with about 20 programs in
distribution on the Internet. Most are freeware or inexpensive
shareware in the $5 to $10 range. Peter's hit program is the FTP
client Anarchie (pronounced "anarchy"), which surpassed another
excellent FTP program (Fetch from Jim Matthews) to become a staple
of many Mac users' Internet toolkits. Many of Peter's programs
(most notably the public domain Internet Config) are written with
the help of Quinn, who goes only by his last name and who recently
went to work for Apple. Oh, and if you're wondering, Peter N Lewis
should not be confused with Peter H. Lewis, the Internet reporter
for the New York Times.
Intriguingly, Peter dwells not in Silicon Valley or even in the
United States, but in Perth, a city in Western Australia. Although
I did this interview via email, I have met Peter in person. In
April of 1994 we were just starting to chat via email when he
asked if I planned to attend Mactivity in July. I said no, since I
had a different conference to attend several days later. But I did
extend a social invitation (hey, these things are usually safe,
especially with people from other continents): I told Peter that
if he was ever in the Seattle area, he was welcome to visit us.
His reply said, "Sure, how's July 12th through 17th?" I gulped,
and went to tell Tonya that we'd be having a houseguest for five
days in July.
Needless to say, the meeting at the airport was a little tricky,
since neither of us knew what the other looked like. I wore my
Eudora t-shirt, and printed Anarchie's icon so it filled a sheet
of paper, figuring I'd hold it up like limo drivers hold signs
with people's last names on them. Peter came right over to me,
although he later confided that he'd only seen the Eudora t-shirt,
but figured he could go home with anyone wearing a Eudora t-shirt.
We had a fabulous time while Peter was visiting, and he collected
shareware fees everywhere he went. In between insulting U.S. money
for being all the same size and color (Australian money is
cooler), Peter commented that he never had to worry about
exchanging money, since so many people paid their shareware fees
as soon as they saw him in person that he earned quite a bit in
U.S. dollars while visiting. Maybe that's the trick with shareware
- world tours where the guilty can come and pay their shareware
fees. In any event, when I came up with the idea of doing some
email interviews with interesting people in the Macintosh world,
Peter was first on the list.
* [Adam] You've written some great programs and at least Anarchie
and FTPd could be commercial. I'm sure you've had offers from
companies - why have you shied away from that market? Why
[Peter] Various reasons. Shareware gives me complete control,
something I'm unlikely to get in the commercial world. It allows
me to provide my programs at much lower prices than would
otherwise be the case (with packaging and marketing and channel
markups, they would have to cost at least $50 to earn me the same
$9 I currently get). It lets me concentrate on writing the
programs and not worry about the other issues (like packaging and
marketing and channels).
* [Adam] FTPd and especially Anarchie are highly successful for
shareware. Roughly what percentage of users pay for them? Is that
depressing, or simply the way shareware works?
[Peter] My guess is somewhere between two and twenty percent,
probably closer to the four percent mark. It's hard to tell with
any accuracy (although SIVC [Simple Internet Version Control]
helps by telling me there are at least 14,700 Anarchie 1.6 users
and at least 2,300 FTPd 3.0 users). At $10 a copy, that would be a
lot more money than I've made in shareware fees. It's a shame: I
go out of my way to ensure my programs are useful and inexpensive;
it'd be nice to think everyone would pay $10 for a program that's
useful to them, but it doesn't work that way. Obviously there are
things I could do to force people to pay (time-outs and crippled
features and serial numbers and annoying reminder notices and all
the rest), but I'd rather not (and hopefully I won't be forced
* [Adam] What about Kee Nethery's Kagi Shareware service
<kee@kagi.com> - has that significantly helped bring in a larger
percentage of shareware fees? If nothing else, it must make it a
heck of a lot easier to deal with the issues surrounding
international money exchange.
[Peter] Absolutely. The general consensus amongst shareware
authors using Kagi is that their income goes up over 50 percent
simply because Kagi can accept Visa and MasterCard. I know from my
own experience that if I can just send a quick email off to pay
for a program, I'm far more likely to just pay it when I start
looking at it. If I have to send off snail mail, by the time I get
around to finding an envelope, I've probably trashed the program
* [Adam] So what's the end result of people not paying their
shareware fees?
[Peter] It's sad really, because I'd like to hire some people to
help me write more cool software, so users who don't pay end up
hurting themselves. Think about it: if just half the people paid,
I'd have ten times more income, which would translate it to half a
dozen programmers working full time to produce other programs.
Taking a quick look at my project list, that would probably mean
we'd already have an NNTP news server, a DNS server, some
interesting Internet messaging services (like sharing clipboards
or keyboards), maybe even a shareware equivalent for Timbuktu, and
who knows what else.
Still, I do make my living out of shareware, it pays my full time
salary (fortunately the cost of living in Perth is much lower
than, say, California, and hence so are salaries). So I'd like to
thank those people who do pay their shareware fees for allowing me
to work full time, and hopefully continue to improve my various
programs and write a few more cool ones.
* [Adam] Have you considered moving away from Australia now that
you're supported entirely by your programming skills, especially
now that Quinn has left to work for Apple in Cupertino?
[Peter] Not really. I love Perth, it's the most beautiful city in
the world, and the most pleasant to live in (well, it does get a
bit too hot for my liking in February). Plus my family and most of
my friends are here. What I'm thinking of doing is coming down to
the USA for more extended visits, but I need to figure out how I
can work down there since I don't want to lose months of work
time. Besides, I can't go very long without having the urge to
* [Adam] Will Quinn's move to work in Apple's Developer Technical
Support slow down development of shared projects like Internet
Config, and to a lesser extent, Anarchie (with the Apple Guide
that Quinn did)? And speaking of Quinn, how much would we have to
bribe you to tell us Quinn's first name?
[Peter] Do you think I could get a MacWEEK mug for it? I'd
probably tell you for a couple hundred grand, but I'd have to ask
Quinn if it's OK first. It's not that hard to find out his first
name anyway, I'm sure it's on the net if you look hard enough.
Quinn's move will definitely have an effect on some of our
projects. But, Internet Config is now sufficiently mature that we
can probably split it into several smaller parts and each do them
separately. For instance, I'll probably end up working on the
Internet Config application, and Quinn will get stuck with
maintaining the component and the rest of the Internet Config API.
It's certainly harder to do late night hacks when you don't even
share the same late night time.
* [Adam] You've written a slew of programs, including the main
Macintosh Finger and Talk clients and various non-Internet
programs. Which of your lesser known programs should people check
[Peter] Well, all my programs are available via FTP, and the Web
site describes them, so that's one way of finding out about my
other projects.
The one that I think is most useful and under-used is Assimilator,
which is not an Internet program at all. It's function is to
maintain labs of identical Macintoshes (like student labs or
demonstration labs). Basically it mirrors the lab Mac's hard disk
from a folder on an AppleShare server. I wrote it to help Quinn
and Craig maintain their respective student labs at the University
of Western Australia, and it seems to work quite well there.
[Next week, Peter talks about the future of the Macintosh,
connectivity in Australia, the Netscape explosion, and the virtues
of Pascal.]
* MacWEEK -- 13-Nov-95, Vol. 9, #45
Apple QuickDraw 3D Accelerator Card -- pg. 1
QuickMail 3.5 -- pg. 47
Script Debugger 1.0.4 -- pg. 52
Peace of Mind 3.0.2 -- pg. 58
PowerDrive2 -- pg. 60
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